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What’s up, people!

Today our intention is crate a controversy. There’s no chance you come to Curitiba and do not see them. They’re in most places and may even not be perceived by you. The post title says, we are talking about the “Curitibanos”, as those who born in Curitiba are called.

As well as other Brazilian cities, Curitiba region was inhabited by Indians, it was settled by Portuguese and also received slaves from Africa. However, thousands of immigrants from other countries in Europe had a great contribution to the city settlement in the 19th century – mainly Germans, Italians, Polish and Ukrainians.

Today, Curitiba has about 1.8 million inhabitants. Population which also includes descendants of other nationalities and migrants of other Brazilian states. A few decades gave a world face to Curitiba.

Some people say that “Curitibanos” are reserved, cold and closed, features that can also be confused with shyness. But it does not mean that they are not friendly, cheerful and hospitable. Well, we prepare a video about them to you! We hope you enjoy it and them!

Do you know any “Curitibano”? Do you agree with those descriptions? Tell us!

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