* Romances publicados no Brasil


Caçando Carneiros (1982, Estação Liberdade, R$ 39)Norwegian Wood (1987, Objetiva, R$ 49,90)Dance Dance Dance (1988, Estação Liberdade, R$ 58)Minha Querida Sputnik (1999, Objetiva, R$ 34,90)

* Inéditos no país


Hear the Wind Sing (1979)Pinball 1973 (1980)Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World (1985)South of the Border, West of the Sun (1992)The Wind-up Bird Chronicle (1995)Kafka on the Shore (2002)The Elephant Vanishes (contos, 1993)Underground (2001) After the Quake (contos, 2002)Murakami's House of the Rising Sun (não-ficção, 1984)

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